Cioccies Winey Natural (Super Rare Series)

Cioccies Winey Natural (Super Rare Series)

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Variety: Cioccies (Ethiopian Landrace Variety, very rare), pronounced [Kee-ohk-see-ace]

Process: Winey Natural (48-hour anaerobic fermentation)

Producers: Coffea Diversa, José Padilla

Notes: A long time ago, there was a coffee-loving religious peoples, the Sufi Mystics, who traded back and forth across the Red Sea. During the Kingdom of Aksum, parts of Ethiopia, Yemen, and now Saudi Arabia were united. Coffee, a stimulant "drug" that is halal (permissible in Islam), grew wild in Ethiopia, was brought across the Red Sea to Yemen, and from there disseminated across the world. Those early varieties that were spread created several families of varieties, Typica and Bourbon most notably. But many varieties continued to grow wild and mutate within Ethiopia. These are known as Ethiopian Landrace Varieties.

Cioccies (Kee-ohk-see-ace) is one such variety: extremely rare! José Padilla at Coffea Diversa, who are mainly based in Costa Rica, have started "gardens" in a few other countries, including Guatemala. These gardens are experiment playplaces! They don't go wild with their processing, keeping it quite simple. This Cioccies is their "Winey" process, which is a 48-hour anaerobic fermentation then naturally dried. This is our first venture with Coffea Diversa and could not be more excited!