SK Coffee Team

We are excited, inspired, and proud of the SK team members. Such a wide and unique spectrum of experiences, with one permiating similarity: we all care deeply about coffee's people, place, and process.

Sam Kjellberg

Owner and Coffee Director: In another lifetime, Sam was pursuing an academic career in music. He studied at Concordia College (Moorhead), Boston University, and the University of Birmingham (England). Entering coffee as a hobby roaster while teaching at Endicott College, Sam and Nate started SK in Sam's Boston apartment.

Nate Broadbridge

Owner and Finance and Operations Director: Nate's training is in finance, having worked for US Bank and the startup Ovative before starting SK Coffee with Sam. Aside from deep diving into coffee, finace, and ops, Nate is also SK's resident "plant guy;" he is the reason our shops have small forests.

Haley Voehl

Barista: Haley's background has been multi-faceted within the culinary realm with an emphasis on fermentation, production work, and hospitality. When she's not at the shop she's making coffee at home and spending time with her two cats.

Taylor Jylha

Barista: Taylor has been in coffee for about seven years. Her first coffee job was Starbucks coffee and through the years she has worked her way through the industry, including Spyhouse. Taylor is also a very talented artist and has collaborated with SK on several projects.

Zach Thomas

Barista: When Zach is not brewing you coffee at the bar, he is most likely brewing coffee at home. Outside of his love for coffee, he also loves enjoying the local food scene, tasting natural wines, thrifting, listening to vinyl, and taking photos on film.

Carter Anderson

Barista & Social Media: Carter has worked at Wild Grind and True Stone. He is a talented photographer and loves shooting film because of the process and the surprise when you get photos back.

Riley Donovan

Barista: Riley’s been pulling shots and pouring coffee for over a decade. If he’s not at the shop, he’s probably climbing, drawing, gardening or patting a cat.

Kelly Wilson

Barista: Kelly has been working in coffee on and off for almost 7 years, with her most recent specialty coffee experience being a multi-unit cafe operations manager at Spyhouse Coffee. In her free time she is a textile artists whose knitted garments have been featured in exhibitions locally.

Gabriella Hernandez

Barista: Gabriella has been in specialty coffee for almost half a decade. Proud of her Mexican heritage, she thrives in connecting it with coffee. In her free time, she pursues art of many mediums, reading and learning more about the world. She is curious and excited about all aspects of coffee and is an advocate for creating positive space for change in the industry.

Gina Haugen

Barista: Gina has worked in coffee for 3 years, her favorite drink is an oat flat white! In her time outside of work she enjoys painting, crafting, and hanging out with her cats.

Adrien Radford

Barista: Adrien works at SK Coffee.

Wanna join the team?