Gesha Oxybean Natural (Super Rare Series)
PRE ORDER...Roast on Tuesday, December 10; Ship on Wednesday, December 11
Variety: Gesha
Process: Oxybean Natural
Producers: Finca Gascón, Felipe Contreras
Notes: We are no stranger to Gesha; and neither are you, very likely. But unlike the simple processing of the Cioccies, Felipe and his team at Finca Gascón are experts in processing and widen the guardrails constantly. Simply put, this Gesha goes through a thorough oxidation process. In open barrels, Felipe soaks and aerobically ferments the Gesha cherries in water AND yeasts inoculated specifically from the Gesha plant. The desired result is a more juicy and ruby-like sweetness. But of course, this Gesha has all the gorgeous floral characteristics you want.